Serena Williams Love To Photoshop Her Daughter Alexis To Be Light Skinned Although She Is Dark Skinned
I am very interested in why Serena Williams is photo shopping her daughter Alexis almost all the time. I wonder if she does not notice that there are pictures as the one on the left that shows how Alexis actually looks. Alexis is a dark skinned child with extremely kinky nappy hair. Now to me there is nothing wrong with that, but it is obviously a problem for Serena Williams and Her Husband Alexis Sr. I notice that whenever there is a picture posted on her fathers account the child Alexis is photo shopped to be almost as pale as a ghost with much lighter kinky hair, as well as sometimes there are photo shopped pictures of Alexis with fake light curls on top of her head. On the photo on the left many people did not even recognize that that was even Alexis. This is very odd, as most people in my circle of friends knows that Serena Williams daughter is a very dark skinned little girl with kinky nappy hair. It is obvious that Alexis does not look "mixed" and her mom and dad are desperately trying to make their daughter look the the part of a "mixed child" instead of a child that looks mainly like the Mom Serena Williams.
Let me say this. If Serena Williams and her Husband Alexis truly loved their daughter as much as they want people to believe, then why do they carry on with this charade of trying to parade around a "Fantasy Child" that really does not exist except for in fake photo shopped pictures. I mean come on, MOST people know that Alexis is not light skinned with "good hair". I just go on their Instagrams so I can look at their desperation of faking a "fantasy child" that the absolutely do not have. Wow...I can only imagine what their neighbors and friends must think when they go onto their Instagram accounts only to be greeted by a Fake light skinned Alexis that is really dark skinned in real life. I am sure that they are the laughing stock of Palm Beach County Florida. I mean this is going a bit to far. I even saw a photo of the Fake Alexis with her dad where they photo-shopped Alexis Jr to be even paler than the White man that fathered the black child Alexis. I just thought to myself that they MUST BE JOKING! Surely they must be raving mad idiots if they think that that looks realist or even believable. Also the fake photo shops of Alexis are always different shades, the colors look fake. And they are better off just showing the real photos of Alexis rather then the photo shop disasters that they think they are fooling everyone with. Look below at all the drastic color changes of the child Alexis.
Really Serena and Husband Alexis, I thought you guys were smarter than this. Why post a picture of a fake light skinned Alexis and also a dark skinned Alexis on the same page. LOL!! Hilarious!
Look At this one below...
Serena Williams same child Alexis the one on the left the true color dark skinned with dark nappy kinky hair and the one on the right is the fake light skinned with fake light hair. I mean is this black woman Serena and the White man Alexis are they serious????? You have got to be joking! Again this foolishness has been going on since the child Alexis was born. FAKE FAKE FAKE VOUGE PICTURES...Phony as a 3 dollar bill.
This is the dark skinned Alexis when she was born. Most Black kids when they are born dark stay dark until they get old enough to bleach their skin. THIS IS SERENA WILLIAMS DAUGHTER ALEXIS WHEN SHE WAS JUST A FEW DAYS OLD. DARK SKINNED NOT LIGHT SKINNED!
How long is this Charade going to go on??
Look at the this one on the bottom. The one on the left is the real skin color the one on the right is the fake PALE skin color. Look at how fake and unnatural the skin tone looks...LOL!
Wow...this is only fooling the dumbest of the dumb people! Don't let Serena Williams and Alexis Sr fool you. I honestly do not like when someone tries to trick or fool me into believing utter bullshit. I think they are very dishonest people and highly deceptive. I honestly do not think that anyone in their right mind should trust people that engage in these types of deceptive practices. They need to be honest about their daughters looks, and if they did not want to be honest then they should have politely told their fans and foes that they do not want to make their daughters pictures public, anything would have been better than engaging in this deceptive foolishness. I also read tons of positive comments left on their instagram accounts and I truly wonder how they can feel good about themselves when the people are giving them compliments on fake fraudulent deceptive photos of their child. That is nothing to be proud of if the compliments are on a fake child that don't even truly exist except for in their imagination, and in the hands of the photo shop master that is helping them engage in this level of deception.
I truly wonder about Alexis Jr when she grows up and wonders why the pictures that her mom and dad are FAKE and not of her true image. I wonder if she is going to be angry at her good ole Mom and Dad for showing millions of people fake phony works of art/photos.
Also have these adults even thought what neighborhood children and class mates are going to think when they see almost all Fake pictures of Alexis Jr? I know kids can be cruel as well as Bullys. Photo shopping pictures is not acceptable to some people out there, and I can just see it now that Alexis will get teased and taunted by children laughing at all the fake photos. I don't know why her parents are setting Alexis up for such insults by other children. I know plenty of people that laugh and make fun of fake photo shoppes of desperate people wanting to look Lighter, And prettier. In the end this Photo shopping of Alexis is going to come back and bite someone on the ass big time!
Enjoy your day and Happy Thanksgiving!
Live Fiercely!...Love Viciously! And Remember Atheism is Unstoppable!
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